1.Film title. You could also include a star rating here.
2.Introduction:what you expected from the film
I expected to be a normal stop motion animation but I was surprised that It wasn't but it was the most creative stop movie I saw in a while with good animation story telling and the action scenes were just ''sweet''.
3.Genre: what type of film is it? Does it have a message?
This is an animation/fantasy/action/adventure and the message in my opinion was the love that every family has for each other even if some of them died and the acceptance of individuals that only produced suffering and fear and accepting them into you're community to clean they're bad actions.
4.Plot: what happens in the film? Does the plot make sense? Is it easy enough to follow? Is it believable?
The story of the film is about a young boy named Kubo and his ''sick'' mother live on the side of a mountain
Stop motion is an animated technique in which figurines are moved in small movements between each photographed frame so that they will appear to move when the series of frames is played back as a fast sequence. Dolls with movable joints or clay figures are often used in stop motion for their ease of moving. Stop-motion animation uses plasticine figures and it's called clay animation or "clay-mation". Not all stop motion; however, needs figures or models: stop-motion movies can also be made using humans and other objects,for comedic effect. Stop motion using humans is sometimes referred to as pixilation.
This is a model for a stop motion movie
A 2D animation is the use of hand drawn characters and sometimes the use of computer editing but they always look like one dimension.
Old Animation & New Animation
In Old Stop-Animation they use hand craft figurines(clay,plastic & puppets)
They moved them every shot they did and getting a clunky movement but it's still gives the feeling of moving.These movies were the most
I like this headline because of the different size letters to emphasize the purpose of the headline(to scare)
Mise-en-scene is an expression used to describe the design aspect of a movie production, which means telling a story—both in visually ways through story boarding, cinematography and stage design. It is also commonly used to refer to single scenes within the film to represent the film.
This poster represents a night in the city with a man greeting a woman
This poster represents a woman looking over a balcony
This represents a scene with a guy that is too shy to talk with the other guys
This represents a scene where the character is in joy
Codes and Conventions
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